In 2007, Scott and Rachelle started their first "benevolence" account. The small percentage of money that was deposited into the account (3-5% of their income) was dedicated 100% to helping people as God brought the needs. It did not take long for their benevolence account to have a "waiting list" on their refrigerator.

They noticed a pattern - when the money was stagnant, their business income would slow down or stop, and when they depleted their benevolence account (looking on purpose for ways to bless others), they would see more income returned to them. In addition, it was interesting that strangers had started to walk up to them specifically asking for gas, groceries, or other help.

As they exercised their faith and giving muscles, it became fun to bless others, and their needs were always taken care of in the end. In a conversation, Scott said, "Someday, I would love to work for God." (Instead of working his business and only being able to contribute a small percentage of their income to the benevolence account). Their eyes were opened in a new way that there were needs everywhere!

In 2009, financial tragedy struck their family, as a result of Scott being involved in a horrific accident, and both Scott and Rachelle lost their ability to sustain employment and their income. Rather than giving into fear, they pressed in by their faith, based on the promises of the Bible and from the experiences they had already had, and increased their tithe and giving to 20% of their income (whether it be Social Security Disability, Rebates, Donations, or Garage Sale Money) for four solid years. Through all of this, they have countless testimonies of God's faithfulness when it comes to His promises regarding money matters. (see the BLOG for specific stories)

SOCKS Ministry has been birthed out of the hearts of the Rankin family (children and parents) as a way to be transparent and share the secrets of the Kingdom of God in a way they have experienced and had not been taught before.

It is the hope of the Rankin's that all who find this website will not only be inspired by their true stories to the point of adopting a lifestyle of giving for themselves, but that they will find the True Giver, Jesus Christ and make Him Lord over their life, so that they too will have no lack for any good thing and will have plenty to share with others who have not met Him yet.